
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sherman Building

Hayles and Howe, Inc.’s  plaster artisans are nearing the finish of a 14-month restoration of the 1850’s-era Sherman Building, located on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington, DC. This National Historic Landmark, located within a designated historic district on the National Register of Historic Places, and listed on the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites, is a visual landmark in Washington.  Recognized by its clock tower and crenellated parapets, the building’s exterior is unfinished white marble. The August 2011 earthquake damaged the building to such an extent that its occupants were evacuated to safety.  Immediate and extensive stabilization measures were taken and a restoration team including Quinn Evans Architects was put in place for returning the building to its former structural and historic integrity on both the exterior and throughout the interior.  

Contracted to The Christman Company and under the project management of Marc Berrong,  Hayles and Howe’s plasterers have restored ornamental  and  flat plasterwork and replaced ceilings and walls  throughout the building’s nearly 70,000 square feet including the annex and the north and south towers.  Additionally, the Hayles and Howe team restored damaged historic stucco on 8 chimneys on two of the soldiers’ quarters near the Sherman Building.  This iconic building is once again the stately castle built by Union soldier and architect Barton S. Alexander. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Employee Feature: Joselin Martin

Photo courtesy of MACPA
Tom Hood (CPA, MACPA CEO), MaryBeth Halpern (MACPA), Larry Kamanitz (CPA)Joselin R Martin (CPA), Allan DeLeon (CPA), Adrianne Gonzales (Columnist, Going Concern), Anoop Mehta (CPA), Marianela Del Pino-Rivera (CPA)
Hayles and Howe's US Financial Manager keeps H&H on the front line of professional opportunities in the construction industry.  Joselin R Martin is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is an active member of the Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA). She currently serves on the MACPA Board of Directors, as a member (and immediate past chair) of the Business and Industry Committee, and as an appointed representative to the Governing Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).  In these roles, she stays current on professional issues, develops relationships with her peers, and represents not only the MACPA but H&H to state and national elected representatives.  Joselin was also in the first group to receive the CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountants) designation, a joint venture of the AICPA and CIMA.

For construction-related issues, Joselin has been active in the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), ultimately earning her Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) designation.  The CCIFP requires past and continuing education, work experience, and successful completion of an extensive exam covering not only accounting and reporting, but also legal, technology, risk management, and human resource issues in construction.  Joselin is the current vice-chairman of the Institute for Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFP), the organization that oversees the CCIFP designation. The annual CFMA conference is 3 days of connecting with national peers, learning best practices, and previewing the latest technology.

Through active association membership, Joselin keeps the US finances running so the craft professionals can do what they do best: make the highest quality product in the plastering industry!

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